Quiet Quitting

What is it?

Quiet quitting refers to the phenomenon where employees disengage from their work without formally resigning. Instead of putting in extra effort or going above and beyond their basic job requirements, they do the bare minimum necessary to meet their responsibilities. This can result from feeling undervalued, overworked, or disconnected from the organization. Quiet quitting can impact team morale, productivity, and overall workplace culture, making it crucial for organizations to address the underlying causes and foster a supportive and engaging work environment.

How is it related to
mental health?

Quiet quitting is closely linked to mental health as it often stems from employees feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or burnt out. When employees experience chronic stress or mental health challenges, they may lose motivation and engagement in their work. Factors such as feeling undervalued, lacking a sense of purpose, and not having adequate support from management can exacerbate these feelings. As a result, employees may retreat into doing the minimum required to keep their jobs, a behavior known as quiet quitting.

Addressing mental health issues in the workplace is crucial for preventing quiet quitting. By fostering a supportive and empathetic work environment, providing resources for mental health, and promoting work-life balance, organizations can help employees feel more valued and engaged. This, in turn, can reduce the incidence of quiet quitting and contribute to a healthier, more productive workforce.

How does Recalibrate Health address quiet quitting?

At Recalibrate Health, we address quiet quitting in software companies through a comprehensive approach tailored to each organization's needs. We begin by understanding root causes through employee feedback and collaboration with stakeholders. Our customized solutions, such as mental health programs and leadership development, are executed with hands-on support. Regular feedback loops ensure effectiveness, allowing for iterative refinement of our interventions. By fostering a supportive work environment, we aim to reduce quiet quitting and cultivate a resilient workforce committed to success.